近 藤 昭 彦 論 文 等 リ ス ト
- 論文(査読審査あり)
- 論文(査読審査なし、国内学会の予稿集は含まない)
- 総説(査読審査あり)
- 著書
- 解説・講座・その他
- 報告書
【 論 文(査読審査あり) 】
Ayihumaier Halipu, Xuechen Wang, Erina Iwasaki, Wei Yang and Akihiko Kondoh(2022): Quantifying Water Consumption through the Satellite Estimation of Land Use/Land Cover and Groundwater Storage Changes in a Hyper-Arid Region of Egypt. Remote Sens. 2022, 14(11), 2608. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14112608
Nguyen Cung Que Truong,Dao Nguyen Khoi, Hong Quan Nguyen and Akihiko Kondoh(2022.2): Impact of Forest Conversion to Agriculture on Hydrologic Regime in the Large Basin in Vietnam, Water, 14(6), DOI: 10.3390/w14060854
Akira HAMA, Kei TANAKA, Bin CHEN, Akihiko KONDOH(2021): Examination of appropriate observation time and correction of vegetation index for drone-based crop monitoring. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 77(3),DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.D-20-00047.
T. Yasutaka, Y. Kanai, M. Kurihara, T. Kobayashi, A. Kondoh, T. Takahashi and Y. Kuroda(2020): Dialogue, radiation measurements and other collaborative practices by experts and residents in the former evacuation areas of Fukushima: A case study in Yamakiya District, Kawamata Town, Radioprotection, 55(3), 215–224.
Wei Yang and Akihiko Kondoh(2020): Evaluation of the Simard et al. 2011 Global Canopy Height Map in Boreal Forests. Remote Sensing, 12(7), 1114; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12071114 (2020.3)
Akira Hama, Kei Tanaka, Atsushi Mochizuki, Yasuo Tsuruoka and Akihiko Kondoh(2020): Improving the UAV-based yield estimation of paddy rice by using the solar radiation of geostationary satellite Himawari-8. Hydrological Research Letters, 14(1), 56–61. (2020.2)
Akira Hama, Kei Tanaka, Atsushi Mochizuki, Yasuo Tsuruoka and Akihiko Kondoh(2020): Estimating the Protein Concentration in Rice Grain Using UAV Imagery Together with Agroclimatic Data. Agronomy, 10, 431; doi:10.3390/agronomy10030431 (2020.3)
Xifang Wu, Wei Yang, Chunyang Wang, Yanjun Shen, and Akihiko Kondoh(2019):
Interactions among the Phenological Events of Winter Wheat in the North
China Plain based on Field Data and Improved MODIS Estimation. Remote Sensing, 11(24), https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11242976 (11 Dec. 2019)
Akira Noda, Akihiko Kondoh, Jun Nishihiro(2019): Changes in land cover
and grassland area over the past 120 years in a rapidly urbanised area
in Japan. One Ecosystem, https://doi: 10.3897/oneeco.4.e37669(16 Sep. 2019)
Wu, X.F., Qi, Y.Q., Shen, Y.J., Yang, W, Zhang, Y.C., Kondoh, A. (2019): Change of winter wheat planting area and its impacts on groundwater depletion in the North China Plain, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29, 891-908.
Mochamad Firman Ghazali, Ketut Wikantika, Agung Budi Harto, Akihiko Kondoh(2019):
Generating soil salinity, soil moisture, soil pH from satellite imagery
and its analysis, Information Processing in Agriculture, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inpa.2019.08.003
Wei Yang, Hideki Kobayashi, Cong Wang, Miaogen Shen, Jin Chen, Bunkei Matsushita,
Yanhong Tang, Yongwon Kim, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Donatella Zona, Walter
Oechel, Akihiko Kondoh(2019): A semi-analytical snow-free vegetation index
for improving estimation of plant phenology in tundra and grassland ecosystems,
Remote Sensing of Environment, 228, 31-44.
Eunice Nduati, Yuki Sofue, Akbar Matniyaz, Jong Geol Park, Wei Yang, and
Akihiko Kondoh(2019): Cropland Mapping Using Fusion of Multi-Sensor Data
in a Complex Urban/Peri-Urban Area, Remote Sensing, 11(2), 207.(abstract)
濱 侃・田中 圭・田 寛之・近藤昭彦(2018): ドローンに搭載可能な近赤外カメラの比較と検討: RedEdge と Yubaflex. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌、38(5)、451-457.
Rian Nurtyawan, Asep Saepuloh, Agung Budi Harto1, Ketut Wikantika, Akihiko
Kondoh(2018): Satellite Imagery for Classification of Rice Growth Phase
Using Freeman Decomposition in Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia. HAYATI
Journal of Bioscience, 25(3), 126-137.
Nguyen Cung Que Truong, Hong Quan Nguyen and Akihiko Kondoh(2018): Land
Use and Land Cover Changes and Their Effect on the Flow Regime in the Upstream
Dong Nai River Basin, Vietnam. Water 2018, 10, 1206; doi:10.3390/w10091206
兪 江、孫 玫、沈 彦俊、近藤昭彦(2018): 中国華北平原における冬小麦の農事暦変化に関する研究.水文・水資源学会誌、Vol.31, No.3, 152-165.
Hiroaki Abe, Changyuan Tang, Nozomu Takeuchi, Akihiko Kondoh(2018): Influence
of Seasonal Pumping on Groundwater Sources and Flow System, Nagaoka Plain,
Japan. Groundwater, Vol.56, No.3, 470-481.
Yuki Sofue, Buho Hoshino, Yuta Demura, Kenji Kai, Kenji Baba, Eunice Nduati, Akihiko Kondoh, Try Sternberg(2018): Satellite Monitoring of Vegetation Response to Precipitation and Dust Storm Outbreaks in Gobi Desert Regions. Land, 2018, 7, 19; doi:10.3390/land7010019.
Ayisulitan Maimaitiaili, Xiaokaiti Aji, Akbar Matniyaz and Akihiko Kondoh(2018): Monitoring and Analysing Land Use/Cover Changes in an Arid Region Based on Multi-Satellite Data: The Kashgar Region, Northwest China. Land 2018, 7(1), 6; doi:10.3390/land7010006.
Nguyen Viet Luong, Ryutaro Tateishi, Akihiko Kondoh, Ngo Due Anh, Nguyen
Thanh Hoan, Luu The Anh(2017): Land cover mapping in Yok Don National Park,
Central Highlands of Viet Nam using Landsat 8 OLI images, Vietnum Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 393-406, DOI:10.15625/0866-7187/39/4/10773.
Wei Yang, Hideki Kobayashi, Xuehong Chen, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara, Rikie Suzuki, Akihiko Kondoh(2017): Modeling three-dimensional forest structures to drive canopy radiative transfer simulations of bidirectional reflectance factor, International Journal of Digital Earth, DOI:10.1080/17538947.2017.1353146.
Richa Bhattarai, Akihiko Kondoh(2017):Risk Assessment of Land Subsidence
in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal,Using Remote Sensing and GIS, Advances in Remote Sensing, 6, 132-146.
Richa Bhattarai, Haireti Alifu, Aikebaier Maitiniyazi, Akihiko Kondoh(2017):
Detection of Land Subsidence in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Using D-InSAR
Technique, Land, 6, 39, doi:10.3390/land6020039.
Wei Yang, Hideki Kobayashi, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara, Rikie Suzuki, Akihiko Kondoh(2017): Quantitative Evaluation of Bitterlich Sampling for Estimating Basal Area in Sparse Boreal Forests and Dense Tropical Forests, Open Journal of Forestry, 7, 143-156.
濱 侃・田中 圭・早崎有香・山口英俊・近藤昭彦(2017):小型UAVによる空間線量率マッピングと放射能汚染地域への適用、日本リモートセンシング学会誌、37(1)、13-20.
Xiulian Bai, Ram C. Sharma, Ryutaro Tateishi, Akihiko Kondoh, Bayaer Wuliangha,
and Gegen Tana(2017): A Detailed and High-Resolution Land Use and Land
Cover Change Analysis over the Past 16 Years in the Horqin Sandy Land,
Inner Mongolia. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2017, Article ID 1316505, 13pages.(https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/1316505)
Wei Yang, Akihiko Kondoh(2016): Toward Circumventing Collinearity Effect in Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Analysis by Using a Spectral Shape Measure,Advances in Remote Sensing, 5, 185-193.
黄 琳・沈 彦俊・楊 偉・近藤昭彦(2016):閉鎖性水域における人間活動が水質に及ぼす影響-中国白洋淀を例として-、日本水文科学会誌、40(3)、197-211.
Nguen Viet Luong, Tateishi, R., Kondoh, A., Sharma, R.C., Thanh Nguen, H., Trong To, T., Ho Tong Minh, D.(2016):Mapping Tropical Forest Biomass by Combining ALOS-2, Landsat 8, and Field Plots Data. Land, 5(4), 31; doi:10.3390/land5040031
田中 圭・近藤昭彦(2016):小型マルチコプターを用いた近接リモートセンシングによる水稲生育マップの作成、日本リモートセンシング学会誌、36(4)、373-387.
孫 玫・艾 麗坤・開發一郎・藤井秀幸・近藤昭彦(2016):中国の山西省におけるAMSRーE土壌水分の時空間変動に関する研究、水文・水資源学会誌、29(4)、227-237.
シャオケーティー アジ・デリヌル アジ・近藤昭彦(2016):新疆における食糧生産と人間活動及び自然条件との関連性、水文・水資源学会誌、29(3)、166-175.
濱 侃・早崎有香・望月 篤・鶴岡康夫・田中 圭・近藤昭彦(2016):小型UAVとSfM-MVSを使用した近接画像からの水稲生育モニタリング、水文・水資源学会誌、29(1)、44-54.
尤 欽・近藤昭彦(2015):中国東北地方、三江平原における農業に関わる水害リスクに関する研究、水文・水資源学会誌、28(1)、24-33.
Hiroaki Abe, Changyuan Tang, Akihiko Kondoh(2014): Effect of Urban Aquifer
Exploitation on Subsurface Temperature and Water Quality. Groundwater, DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12154.
シャオケーティー アジ・近藤昭彦(2013):1949年~2008年における新疆の食糧生産の時空間的な変化とその要因解析.沙漠研究、23(2)、51-57.
李 海蘭・近藤昭彦・沈 彦俊(2011):衛星リモートセンシングによる中国三江平原の水田面積の変化に関する研究.水文・水資源学会誌、24(6)、328-336.
(李 海蘭:水文・水資源学会論文奨励賞)
Yingjiu Bai, Jehn-Yih Juang and Kondoh A.(2011): Urban Heat Islands and Urban Warming in Taipei. Groundwater and Subsurface Environment. pp.231-247. Springer Japan. DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-53904_12
Ahmad Al-Hanbali, Bayan Alsaaideh, Akihiko Kondoh(2011): Using GIS-Based
Weighted Linear Combination Analysis and Remote Sensing Techniques to Select
Optimum Solid Waste Disposal Sites within Mafraq City, Jordan. Journal of Geographic Information System, 3, 267-278.
Nobumitsu Tsunematsu, Hiroaki Kuze, Tomonori Sato, Masamitsu Hayasaki,
Feifei Cui, Akihiko Kondoh(2011): Potential impact of spatial patterns
of future atmospheric warming on Asian dust emission. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6682-6695.
白木洋平・近藤昭彦・渡来 靖(2011):NOAA/AVHRRを用いた関東地方の明け方における地表面温度の特徴.環境科学会誌、24(5)、472-479.
Yi-Zhang Zhang, Xian-Fang Song, Akihiko Kondoh, Jun Xia, Chang-Yuan Tang(2011):
Behavior, mass inventories and modeling evaluation of xenobiotic endocrine-disrupting
chemicals along an urban receiving wastewater river in Henan Province,
China. Water Research, 45, 292-302.
Yuki Tosaki, Norio Tase, Akihiko Kondoh, Kimikazu Sasa, Tsutomu Takahashi,
Yasuo Nagashima(2011): Distribution of 36Cl in the Yoro River Basin, central
Japan and its relation to regional groundwater flow system. Water, 3(1),64-78.
Youngjoo Kwak, A Kondoh, S Lee (2010) :A MUulti-Criteria Approach for Flood
Risk Management at the Yangsan Watershed, S. KOREA. Advances in Geosciences
HS. 23, 23-35.
Youngjoo Kwak and A Kondoh (2010) A study on the assessment of multi-factors affecting urban floods using satellite image; a case study in Nakdong basin, S.KOREA. Advance in Geosciences HS.17, 265-278.
Eleonora Runtunuwu, Akihiko Kondoh, and Kasdi Subagyono(2010): Effect of
land use on spatial and seasonal variation of water quality in Ciliwung
river, West Java-Indoneshia. Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan, Vol.20, No.1, 1-10.
Eleonora Runtunuwu, Akihiko Kondoh(2008): Assessing Global Climate Variability
under Coldest and Warmest Periods at Different Latitudinal Regions. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science, 9(11), 7-18.
Ahmad Al-Hanbali and Akihiko Kondoh(2008):Groundwater vulnerability assessment
and evaluation of human activity impact (HAI) within the Dead Sea groundwater
basin, Jordan.Hydrogeology Journal,DOI 10.1007/s10040-008-0280-7.
Fadong Li, Xinfabg Song, Changyuan Tang, Akihiko Kondoh, Wanjun Zhang(2008):
Stable isotopic charavterisation of precipitation, soil water and groundwater
in Tanhang Mountain, north China. IAHS Publ., 319, 83-90.
Dilinur Aji, Akihiko Kondoh, Changyuan Tang(2008):Analysis of hydrological
changes of lakes and rivers in XinJiang using GIS techniques and remote
sensing data. IAHS Publ., 319, 175-183.
Aji K., Tang C., Song X., Kondoh A., Sakura Y., Yu J. and Kaneko S. (2007):
Characteristics of chemistry and stable isotopes in groundwater of Chaobai
and Yongding River basin, North China Plain. Hydrological Processes. 22(1), 63-72.
Ahmad AL-HANBALI, Hussam AL-BILBISI, Akihiko, KONDOH(2006): Monitoring the Dead Sea Area Changes Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources, 19(6), 483-490.
Tang, C., Chen, J., Kondoh, A., and Lu, Y.(2006): Characteristics of soil
water movements and water table at the Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province,
China. Advances in Geosciences, 4, 219-227.
Aji, K., Tang, C., Kondoh, A., and Song, X.(2006): Environmental Isotopes of Precipitation, groundwater and surface water in Yanshan Mountain, China. Advances in Geosciences, 4, 11-16.
デリヌル アジ・近藤昭彦(2006):GISを用いた新疆における水資源の動態変化に関する研究.水文・水資源学会誌、19(4)、280-291.
Akihiko Kondoh, Agung Budi Harto, Runtunuwu Eleonora, and Toshiharu Kojiri(2004):
Hydrological regions in monsoon Asia. Hydrological Processes, 18, 3147-3158.
Jianyao Chen, Changyuan Tang, Yasuo Sakura, Akihiko Kondoh, Jingjie Yu,
Jun Shimada and Tadashi Tanaka(2004):Spatial geochemical and isotopic characteristics
associated with groundwater flow in the North China Plain. Hydrological Processes, 18, 3133-3146.
J. Y. Chen, C. Y. Tang, Y. Sakura, A. Kondoh, Y. J. Shen and X. F. Song(2004):
Measurement and analysis of the redistribution of soil moisture and solutes
in a maize field in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Hydrological Processes, 18, 2263-2273.
Yanjun Shen, Yongqiang Zhang, Akihiko Kondoh, Changyuan Tang, Jianyao Chen, Jieying Xiao, Yasuo Sakura, Changming Liu and Hongyong Sun(2004): Seasonal variation of energy partitioning in irrigated lands, Hydrological Processes, 18, 2223-2234.
Yongqiang Zhang, Changming Liu, Qiang Yu, Yanjun Shen, Eloise Kendy, Akihiko
Kondoh, Changyuan Tang and Hongyong Sun(2004): Energy fluxes and the Priestley-Taylor
parameter over winter wheat and maize in the North China Plain, Hydrological Processes, 18, 2235-2246.
町田 功・近藤昭彦(2003):わが国の天然水における酸素・水素安定同位対比-環境同位体データベースを用いた解析-.水文・水資源学会誌、16(5)、556-569.
Chen, J. Y., Tang, C. Y., Shen, Y. J., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A., and Shimada, J.(2003): Use of water balance calculation and tritium to examine the dropdown of groundwater table in the piedmont of the North China Plain(NCP). Environmental Geology, 44(5), 564-571.
Zhan, Y., Shen, Y., u, Q., Liu, C., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Sun, H., and Jia, J.(2002):Variation of fluxes of water vapor, sensible heat and carbon dioxide above winter wheat and maize canopies. Journal of Geographical Science, 12(3), 295-300.
張 永強、沈 彦俊、劉 昌明、干 強、唐 常源、近藤昭彦(2002): 華北平原典型農地の水、熱、CO2フラックスの測定.地理学報、57(3)、333-342(中国語).
Chen, J. Y., Tang, C. Y., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A., and Shen, Y. J.(2002): Groundwater flow and geochemistry in the lower reaches of the Yellow River: a case study in Shandong Province, China. Hydrogeology Journal, 10, 587-599.
Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Shen, Y., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Tanaka, T., and Shimada, J. (2002): Measurement of evapotranspiration in a winter wheat field. Hydrological Processes, 16, 2805-2817.
Shen, Y., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Li, W., Sakura, Y. Liu, C., Tanaka, T., and Shimada, J.(2002) : Measurement and analysis of evapotranspiration and surface conductance of wheat canopy. Hydrological Processes, 16, 2173-2187.
近藤昭彦・建石隆太郎・ルンツヌウ エレオノラ・朴 鐘杰(2002):植生活動と気候変動、大気CO2濃度との関係.水文・水資源学会誌、15(2)、128-138.
町田 功・唐 常源・新藤静夫・近藤昭彦・佐倉保夫(2002):アラブ首長国連邦の地下水における塩化物イオンの起源について.地下水学会誌、44(1)、3-19.
Tang, C., Machida, I., Shindo, S., Kondoh,
A., and Sakura, Y.(2001): Chemical and isotopic
methods for confirming the roles of wadis
in regional groundwater recharge in a regional
arid environment: A case study in AL Ain,
UAE. Hydrological Processes, 15, 2195-2202.
Kondoh, A. and Higuchi, A.(2001): Relationship
between satellite-derived spectral brightness
and evapotranspiration from a grassland.
Hydrological Processes, 15, 1761-1770.
Liu, Q., Tateishi, R., Kondoh,A. and Takeuchi,
N. (2000): Vegetation types classification
of a temperate biosphere reserve in China
by multisensor satellite imagery. Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 39(5), 23-34.
Global Imager experiment at Environmental
Research Center):その概要について.日本水文科学会誌、30(2), 81-91.
Kondoh,A and Nishiyama, J. (2000): Changes
in hydrological cycle due to urbanization
in the suburb of Tokyo Metropolitan area,
Japan. Advances in Space Research, 26(7), 1173-1176.
Kondoh,A and Oyamada, Y. (2000): Monitoring
surface moisture and vegetation status by
NOAA and GMS over North China Plain. Advances in Space Research, 26(7), 1055-1058.
Higuchi, A., Kondoh,A. and Kishi, S. (2000):
Relationship among the surface albedo, spectral
reflectance of canopy, and evaporative fraction
at grassland and paddy field. Advances in Space Research, 26(7), 1043-1046.
Wang, H., Kojima, S., Kondoh,A. and Liu,
Q. (2000): A study on NDVI characteristics
of vegetation of Tibet, China. Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 39(4), 64-73.
Liu, Q., Kondoh,A. and Takeuchi,N.(2000):
Simulation on the response of life zone to
global climate change in Northeast China
by means of GIS. Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of
Japan, 20(1), 9-18.
樋口篤志・近藤昭彦・池田正一・黒子祐史(2000):草地・水田・雑木林での地表面フラックスと衛星より得られる可視・近赤外波長域の分光反射特性及び植生指標との関係 Ⅰ.各土地被覆での地表面フラックスの季節変化.水文・水資源学会誌、13(2)、124-136.
樋口篤志・近藤昭彦(2000):草地・水田・雑木林での地表面フラックスと衛星より得られる可視・近赤外波長域の分光反射特性及び植生指標との関係 Ⅱ.衛星から得られる可視・近赤外波長域の分光反射特性と地表面フラックスとの関係.水文・水資源学会誌、13(2)、137-147.
Kondoh,A., Nakayama,D., Tsujimura,M. and
Kuraji,K.(1999): Construction of world basin
water budget database. Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology &
Water Resources, 12(6), 511-516.
Li, J. Kondoh, A. and Nakayama,D.:(1999):Analyses
on Floods of 1998 in China. Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology &
Water Resources, 12(4), 307-318.
Liu, Q., Akihiko Kondoh and Nobuo Takeuchi(1998):
Study of changes in life zone distribution
in north-east China by climate-vegetation
classification. Ecological Research, 13, 355-365.
Kondoh,A., Higuchi,A., Kishi,S., Fukuzono,T.,
and Li,J.(1998):The Use of Multi-Temporal
NOAA/AVHRR Data to Monitor Surface Moisture
Status in the Huaihe River Basin, China.
Advances in Space Research, 22(5), 645-654.
樋口篤志・近藤昭彦(1998):可視-近赤外ビデオカメラによる琵琶湖プロジェクト’96での水田観測. 水文・水資源学会誌、11、382-386.
Liu,Q., Kondoh,A. and Takeuchi,N.(1998):
The Forest Vegetation ind its Differentiation
under Disturbance in a Temperate Mountain,
China. Journal of Forest research, 3, 111-117.
Kondoh,A. and Shimada,J.(1997): The Origin of Precipitation in Eastern
Asia by Deuterium Excess. Journal of Japan Society of Hydrology &
Water Resources, 10, 627-629.
近藤昭彦・宝 馨・立川康人(1997):航空機MSSリモートセンシングによるヒートアイランド現象の解析-気温と地表面温度の同時観測による検討-.地学雑誌、106、377-385.
小野寺真一・近藤昭彦・佐藤芳徳・林 正貴・新藤静夫・松本栄次・池田 宏(1996):東アフリカ、タンザニアの半乾燥地域における地中水循環.日本水文科学会誌「ハイドロロジー」、26、75-86.
田瀬則雄・近藤昭彦・坂元英紀・田中 勝・坪谷太郎・横山勇一郎(1996):TDR法による土壌水分量の自動連続測定システムの開発.日本水文科学会誌「ハイドロロジー」、26、35-40.
Kondoh,A.(1995):Changes in Evapotranspiration
due to Anthoropogenic Changes in Land Cover
in Monsoon Asia. Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 34, 4, 13-21.
Kondoh,A.(1995):Relationship between the
Global Vegetation Index and the Evapotranspirations
derived from Climatological Estimation Methods.
Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing, 34, 2, 6-14.
近藤昭彦・鈴木裕一・高山茂美(1983):トリチウムによる地下水の滞留時間の推定.-会津盆地北部の自噴井の場合- ハイドロロジー、13、60-65.
【 そ の 他 の 論 文 】(特定の目的を持ったワークショップ、シンポジウムの論文は含めています)
近藤昭彦(2022.8):印旛沼流域の水文地形、印旛沼環境基金「印旛沼」第43号、 4-7.
近藤昭彦(2022.8):原子力災害から考える問題解決型科学のあり方、月刊地理、 67-8、 29-35.
近藤昭彦(2021.5):印旛沼流域における水循環健全化の取組からポストコロナ社会へ、第一生命財団「The Community」、No.166、74-77.
近藤昭彦(2021.1):水文・水資源学会の東日本大震災への対応と教訓、「東日本大震災からの十年とこれから」 寄稿 防災学術連携体会員学会、20-21.
近藤昭彦(2021.1):[巻頭言]変革の時代の水文・水資源学、水文・水資源学会誌、34(1), 1-3.
西廣 淳・大槻順朗・高津文人・加藤大輝・小笠原奨悟・佐竹康孝・東海林太郎・長谷川 雅美・近藤 昭彦:「里山グリーンインフラ」による気候変動適応:印旛沼流域における谷津の耕作放棄田の多面的活用の可能性、 応用生態工学 22(2)、175-185.
近藤昭彦(2019.8):[巻頭言] リアリティーとドリーム、日本水文科学会誌、第49巻第2号、69-70.
近藤昭彦(2017.9):[巻頭言] スタートラインから踏みだそう-環境問題を解決するということ-、水文・水資源学会誌、Vol.30(5)、pp.291-293.
近藤昭彦(2013):「地球人間圏科学における問題の理解と解決-福島からの報告-」、日本地球惑星科学連合ニュースレターJGL 2013、No.3、8-10.
Kaneko, S., Kondoh, A., Tang, C., Shen, Y., Sakura, Y.(2004): The relation among the water resources condition, grain production and human activities in the North China Plain. Proc. of Second Asia Pasific Asociation of Hydrology and Water Resources, Singapor.
Aji,K., Tang,C., Kondoh,A., Sakura,Y., Kaneko,S., Song,X., Liu,C., and Yu, J.(2004): Study on Groundwater Flow System in Chaobai and Yongding River Basin, North China Plain. Proc. of Second Asia Pasific Asociation of Hydrology and Water Resources, Singapor.
Tang, C., Aji, K., Shen, Y., Kondoh, A., Sakura, Y., and Song, X.(2004.7): Effect of Human activities on the Hydrological Environment of the North China Plain(NCP) in past 70 years. Proc. of Second Asia Pasific Asociation of Hydrology and Water Resources, Singapor.
KONDOH, A(2003): Geography and Water Budget in Asia Pacific Region. "Day of Asia and the Pacific" session in the 3rd World Water Forum, "Asian and Pacific water issues in the world water context" Collection of papers, 8-11.(日本語版)
MOHAMMED Aslam M. A., KONDOH, A., Ferry L. Tj., and SHEN, Y.(2003): An Integrated Study on the Impact of Environmental Changes in an Alluvial Plain. Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region, 203-208.
Y.Shen, A. Kondoh, C. Tang, J. Chen, Y. Zhang, Mohammed Aslam M. A.(2003): Measurement of Water Vapour, Sensible Heatm and CO2 Fluxes above Farmland in NCP. Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources in Asia Pacific Region, 738-743.
A. Kondoh and T. Kojiri(2003): Hydrological Region in Monsoon Asia. Proc. International Symposium on Comparative Regional Hydrology and Mission for IHP Phase VI of UNESCO, 190-201.
近藤昭彦・唐 常源・佐倉保夫・田中 正・嶋田 純・新藤静夫・宋 献方・陳 建耀・沈 彦俊(2002):中国、河北平原における水循環の認識と水問題の理解. 第6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集、217-222.
唐 常源・近藤昭彦・嶋田純・新藤静夫・佐倉保夫・田中 正・陳 建耀・沈 彦俊・宋献方(2002) : 中国、河北平原における硝酸態窒素汚染の現状について. 第6回水資源に関するシンポジウム論文集、223-228.
開發一郎・山中 勤・D. ウユンバ-タル・平田昌弘・大石風人・村松加奈子・宮崎 真・近藤昭彦・小池俊雄(2002): ADEOS II-AMSR/AMSR-Eの予備的地上検証実験. 第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、1-6.
近藤昭彦・唐 常源・沈 彦俊・張 永強(2002): 中国華北平原の小麦・コーンの灌漑農地におけるフラックス観測. 第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、43-52.
戎 信宏・西川敦・近藤昭彦・中北英一・田中賢治(2002): 森林地における正規化植生指標と葉面積指数 - 蒸発散の季節変化に関する研究. 第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、59-67.
Higuchi, A. Nishida, K., Kondoh, A., Tanaka K., Ebisu N., Iida, S., and Nakakita E.(2002): Seasonal variation in Vegetation Indices derived from in situ Type Vegetation Monitoring System at Typical Landcovers in Japan - From the Observation Results in PGLIERC and Lake Biwa Project -. 第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、69-75.
Runtunuwu, E. and Kondoh, A.(200): Global Analysis of the relationship between precipitation and vegetation dynamics derived from NOAA/AVHRR NDVI. 第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、93-100.
M.A.Mohammed Aslam, A.Balasubramanian, and Kondoh, A.(2002): Hydrological
Studies of Channel Modifications at Cauvery River, India. 第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、131-133
近藤昭彦(2002): 水循環情報収集へのリモートセンシング技術の応用、第3回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ、135-143.
Chen, J. Y., Yang, C. Y., Sakura, Y., Kondoh, A., Shen, Y. J., and Ouyang,
Z.(2001): The impacts of diversion from the Yellow River on the local aquifer
-case study in Shandong Province, China. New Approaches Characterizing
Groundwater Flow, Seiler & Wohnlich(eds), 1143-1147.
Nishida, K., Higuchi, A., Iida, S., Niimura, N., and Kondoh, A. (2001): PGLIERC: a test of remote sensing of hydrology in a grassland. "Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000," IAHS Publication, 267, 223-224.
Runtunuwu E., Kondoh, A., Harto, A. B., and
Prayogo, T. (2000.8). Application of remote
sensing and GIS for anthropogenic vegetation
monitoring. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4135, San Diego, USA, pp. 135-142.
Runtunuwu,E., Kondoh, A., Harto, A. B. and
Prayogo, T.(2000.8) Influences of human activities
to land cover changes and its impact on potential
evapotranspiration over Asian region. Abstracts of 29th International Geographical
Conggress, LUCC/IGC, Seoul, Korea, pp 170-171.
Runtunuwu, E., Kondoh, A., Harto, A. B.,
Prayogo, T. and Wikantika, K. (2000). Relation
between evaporation coefficients and spectral
reflectance. Proceedings of the 9TH Scientific Meeting
of Indonesian Students, Shizuoka, Japan, pp.117-120.
Runtunuwu, E., Kondoh, A., Harto, A. B.,
Prayogo, T. and Shen, Y. (2001.2). Relationship
between NOAA/AVHRR-derived NDVI, rainfall
and Air Temparature for Diverse Vegetation
Types in East Asia: I. NDVI vs Rainfall.
Proceedings of the CEReS International Symposium
on remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and validation
of Satellite Data, CEReS, Chiba, Japan, pp.127-132.
Runtunuwu, E., Kondoh, A., Harto, A. B.,
Prayogo, T. and Shen, Y. (2001.2). Relationship
between NOAA/AVHRR-derived NDVI, rainfall
and Air Temparature for Diverse Vegetation
Types in East Asia: II. NDVI vs Air temperature.
Proceedings of the CEReS International Symposium
on remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and validation
of Satellite Data, CEReS, Chiba, Japan, pp.133-138.
Kondoh, A., Agung, B. H., and Runtunuu E.
(2000): Comparative study on the hydrological
characteristics in Asia and the Pacific.
Proc. Fresh Perspectives on Hydrology and
Water Resources in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific, IHP-V Technical Document in Hydrology No.7,
UNESCO Jakarta Office. 247-254.
Machida, I., Kondoh, A., Tanaka, T. And Shimada,
J.(2000): Database for stable isotopes of
natural water. Proc. Fresh Perspectives on Hydrology and
Water Resources in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific, IHP-V Technical Document in Hydrology No.7,
UNESCO Jakarta Office. 173-178.
樋口篤志・西田顕郎・飯田真一・新村典子・近藤昭彦(2000):PGLIERC (Preliminary GLobal Imager experiment at Environmental Research Center); その概要.第2回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ論文集、85-92.
西田顕郎・樋口篤志・飯田真一・近藤昭彦(2000):VI-Ts 法と BRDF による地表面状態推定手法の検討 --PGLIERCの成果から .第2回水文過程のリモートセンシングとその応用に関するワークショップ論文集、103-110.
Kondoh,A., Nakayama,D., Agung,B.D. and Eleonora,L.(1999):Geographic Database to Describe Regional Characteristics. Proc. of International Symposium on Floods and Droughts, 391-395.
Nakai,S. and Kondoh,A.(1999): A Study on the Estimation of Soil Condition Based on the Change of Land Use. Proc. Of the 6th Japan/United States Workshop on Urban Earthquake Hazard Reduction, J-1-7.
Kondoh,A., Li,J., Sunada,K., Ujihashi,Y., Zhang,S. and Yao,H.(1999): Analyses on Flood of 1998 Changjiang River in China. Proc. of AP-FRIEND and GAME Joint Workshop on Enso, Floods and Droughts in the 1990's in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Ⅱ-1~Ⅱ-10.
Nakai.S., Tanaka,K. and Kondoh,A.(1998): Estimation of Ground Conditions Based On the Land Use in the Old Times. Proc. Of the Second Japan-UK Workshop on Implications of Recent Earthquakes on Seismic Risk, 77-84.
Shimada,J., Miyaoka,K., Kondoh,A., Yamanaka,T., Iwasaki,H., Kumata,M.,
Shimano,Y. And Miyashita,Y.(1998): Vapor source of summer precipitation
determined by the stable isotope ratio in precipitation at Kanto Plain,
Japan. Proc. Int'l Symp. & 2nd Chinese National Conf. On Rainwater
Utilization, 417-423.
Kondoh,A. and Agung, B.H.(1998): Study on areal evapotranspiration in Asia-Pacific region -Toward GIS-oriented hydrologic database for comparative hydrology-. Proc. Int'l Symp. on Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment Development, and Management in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. 39-78.
Agung,B.H. and Kondoh,A.(1998): The effect of land use changes on the water balance in the Ciliwung-Cisadane Catchment, West Java, Indonesia. Proc. Int'l Symp. On Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment Development, and Management in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. 121-132.
Kondoh,A., Naito,I., Otani,R., Iwabuchi,T. and Miyazaki,S.(1998): Construction of GPS Vapor Information System for Interdiciplinary Studies. Proc. of the International Symposium on the Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Data and Its Application to Global Environment, 65-70.
Akihiko Kondoh and Jun Shimada(1997):The
origin of precipitation in eastern part of
Eurasian Continent by deuterium excess. Proc.
Int'l Workshop on Global Change and Terrestrial
Environment in Monsoon Asia, 170-171.
Atsushi Higuchi, Akihiko Kondoh and Shinkichi
Kishi(1997):Ground based observation of the
rice pady canopy using the visible-near infrared
video camera in BIWAKO Project'96, Japan.
Proc. Int'l Workshop on Global Change and
Terrestrial Environment in Monsoon Asia,
Akihiko Kondoh(1996):Vegetation/land cover
changes in Monsoon Asia and its incluence
on areal evaporation. Proc.IGBP/BAHC-LUCC
Joint Inter-Core Project
Akihiko Kondoh, Teruki Fukuzono, Atsushi
Higuchi and Jiren Li(1996): Water balance
of several tributaries in Huaihe river and
its implications to areal evaporation. Proceedings
of International workshop on Macro-Scale
Hydrological Modeling, Hohai University Press,
Akihiko Kondoh and Changyuan Tang(1996):
Link GIS to 3D groundwater model. Proceedings
of International workshop on Macro-Scale
Hydrological Modeling, Hohai University Press,
Atsushi Higuchi, Akihiko Kondoh, Shinkichi
Kishi and Teruki Fukuzono(1996): Relatioship
between hydrological properties and multi-temporal
AVHRR data in 1990, Huaihe river basin, China.
Proceedings of International workshop on
Macro-Scale Hydrological Modeling, Hohai
University Press, 124-127.
Kondoh,A.(1995): Vegetation/Land Cover Changes
in Monsoon Asia and its Influence on Areal
Evaporation. Proc. Int. Symp. on Vegetation
Monitoring, 87-94.
Kondoh,A., Kanai,Y. and Higuchi,H.(1994):
The theory and practice of environmental
analysis through LANDSAT images. Proc. Int.
Symp. The Future of Cranes and Wetlands,
Kanai,Y., Kondoh,A. and Higuchi,H.(1994):
Analysis of crane habitat using satellite
images. Proc. Int. Symp. The Future of Cranes
and Wetlands, 72-85.
and Fujii,S.(1993): Dependence of Radar Backscattering
Coefficient on the Water Equivalent and Other
Snow Conditions at C-Band of ERS-1 SAR. Proceedings
IGARSS'93., Vol.3, 1050-1052.
近藤昭彦(1987):Stormflow の形成に果たす毛管水帯の役割に関する実験的研究.筑波大学水理実験センター報告、11、85-93.
Kondoh,A(1985): Study on the Groundwater
Flow System by Environmental Tritium in Ichihara
Region, Chiba Prefecture. Environmental Research
Center Papers, No.6, 59p.
松倉公憲・近藤昭彦(1985):田切谷壁における応力状態について.-有限要素法による応力解析- 筑波大学水理実験センター報告、9、49-52.
【 総 説 】
【 著 書 】
田中 圭・濱 侃・近藤昭彦(2022.2):「熱赤外カメラ搭載ドローンによる水稲高温登熟障害の把握技術」、最新農業技術 作物Vol.14、187-191、農文協.
A.Kondoh(2021): "Chapter 11 Solution and Agreement in the Nuclear
Disaster: Toward an Inclusive Society Respecting Relationship from Sacrificial
System" in Nakajima, T. et al. ed. Overcoming Environmental Risks
to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals Lessons from the Japanese Experience,
Springer, 93-104.
近藤昭彦(2020.5.22): 環境汚染と地球人間圏科学-福島の原発事故を通して、日本地球惑星科学連合編、「地球・惑星・生命」の分担執筆、東京大学出版会、224-233.
Akihiko Kondoh and Akira Hama(2019): "Chapter 17 Nuclear Disaster and Human Geoscience", Yukio Himiyama, Kenji Satake, Taikan Oki, eds.,"Human Geosciece", Springer, 339pp.
近藤昭彦(2007):項目「リモートセンシング」の分担執筆、嘉門雅史 ・日下部治 ・西垣誠編「地盤環境工学ハンドブック」。568pp.
近藤昭彦(2004):項目「リモートセンシング」、「自然環境データベース」の分担執筆.地理情報科学事典 朝倉書店、2004.
【 解 説 、 講 座 、 そ の 他 】
田中 圭・濱 侃・近藤昭彦(2018):精密農業実現に向けたドローンの活用.電子情報通信学会誌、Vol.101, No.12, 1181-1185.
近藤昭彦・田中 正・唐 常源・佐倉保夫・嶋田 純・芝野博文・劉 昌明・張 万軍・胡 春勝・劉 小京・陳 建耀・沈 彦俊(2001):中国華北平原の水問題.水文・水資源学会誌、14、376-387.
田中 正・近藤昭彦・谷口真人・松山 洋(1997):水循環(IGBP/BAHC)と土地利用(IGBP・IHDP/LUCC)合同国際シンポジウム報告.水文・水資源学会誌、10、187-192.
近藤昭彦(1993):応用地学とディジタル地理情報.応用地学の視点 -川崎逸郎教授退官記念論文集-、9-38.
宝 馨・立川康人・近藤昭彦・西尾邦彦・芝野博文・執印康裕・田中隆文・小池俊雄・北田勝紀・冨井直弥(1993):谷田川航空機実験及び同期地上実験について.水文・水資源学会誌、6、71-75.
近藤昭彦(1991):地理的情報処理のテクニック(30)-ランドサットデータによる植生指数の計算(2)- 地理、第36巻、No.3、120-125、古今書院.
近藤昭彦(1991):地理的情報処理のテクニック(29)-マルチスペクトルデータから二次元散布図を作成するプログラム、-植生と土壌のリモートセンシング-. 地理、第36巻、No.2、120-125、古今書院.
近藤昭彦(1991):地理的情報処理のテクニック(28)-ランドサットデータによる植生指数の計算(1)- 地理、第36巻、No.1、122-125、古今書院.
近藤昭彦(1990):地理的情報処理のテクニック(27)-画像のカーソル操作ユーティリティー 地理第35巻、No.12、128-133、古今書院.
【 研 究 報 告 書 】
Akihiko Kondoh, Higuchi Atsushi, Yuriko Arita
and Tatsuaki Kobayashi(1997):Application
of high spatial resolution multispectral
data to estimate evapotranspiration. NASDA
ed. The Second ADEOS Symposium/Workshop,673.
Kondoh,A., Kamibayashi,N., Okada,T., Ishimori,S.
and Fujii.S.(1995): Dependence of ERS1 AMI
Radar Backscattering Coefficient on Snow
Conditions. Final Report of JERS-1/ERS-1
System Verification Program. Vol.2, 567-573.
Ishimori,S., Kawai,M., Kamibayashi,N., Kondoh,A.,
Doi,S., Wakabayashi,H., Okada,T., Fujii,S.,
Inoue,T. and Machimura,T.(1995): On the Image
of the 'Yorimawari-nami' by Synthetic Aperture
Radar. Final Report of JERS-1/ERS-1 System
Verification Program. Vol.2, 216-225.
Kondoh,A.(1994): Application of Satellite
Remote Sensing to Hydrological Modeling.
Proc.1st ADEOS Symp./Workshop. Vol.2, 517-520.
福岡義隆・林 陽生・田瀬則雄・近藤昭彦・開發一郎・成田健一・高橋日出男(1993):自然流域における都市の水・熱の収支・循環に関する研究.日産科学振興財団研究報告書
Study on the Recharge Mechanism and Development
of Groundwater in the Inland Area of Tanzania.
Progress Report of Japan-Tanzania Joint Research,
Edited by S.Shindo, pp80.(1990年度文部省海外科研報告書、共同執筆)
Study on the Recharge Mechanism and Development
of Groundwater in the Inland Area of Tanzania.
Progress Report of Japan-Tanzania Joint Research(2),
Edited by S.Shindo, pp125.(1989年度文部省海外科研報告書、共同執筆)
Study on the Recharge Mechanism and Development
of Groundwater in the Inland Area of Tanzania.
Interim Report of Japan-Tanzania Joint Research,
Edited by S.Shindo,pp92.(1988年度文部省海外科研報告書、共同執筆)
田中 正・田瀬則雄・近藤昭彦(1988):恋瀬川流域における低水期の河川流出と水質.流域における水循環とその制御、100-131.(グリーンエナジー計画成果シリーズⅠ系、No.9)
田瀬則雄・近藤昭彦・田中 正(1987):恋瀬川流域の流出について.恋瀬川流域における水循環の実態、103-122.(グリーンエナジー計画昭和61年度研究報告)
榧根 勇・近藤昭彦・北岡豪一(1986):環境トリチウムによる水循環の比較研究.比較河川学の研究、82-96.(科学研究費特定研究(1)研究成果)
榧根 勇・佐倉保夫・近藤昭彦(1986):リモートセンシングによる水文情報の抽出.比較河川学の研究、181-196.(科学研究費特定研究(1)研究成果)
榧根 勇・北岡豪一・近藤昭彦(1985):環境トリチウムによる水循環の比較研究.比較河川学の研究、2.1-2.10.(第2回比較河川学シンポジウム講演論文集)
Isamu KAYANE, Hiroki TAKAMURA, Shuichi AKIYAMA,Akihiko
KONDOH(1983): Revaluation of Groundwater
Resources in the Ichihara Artesian Basin.
Water-oriented Urban Ecosystem Studies,edited
by M.NUMATA,61-70.